Saturday 28 April 2012

ATTRACTING MONEY: It's all about HABIT (In conjunction with LAXMI KUBERA YAAGAM)


Millions of people go through life in poverty because they have made destructive use of the Law of Habit.
It's been programmed, for reasons only they know why, that majority of people SPEND what they have than they do about ways and means of SAVING.

Fix in your mind the thought that your ability is limited to a given earning capacity, and you will never earn more than that!, because the law of habit will set up the limitation of the amount you can earn, your subconscious will accept this limitation, and soon, due to your own programming of mind, you will be slipping into poverty; opportunities will no longer knock at your door.

Debt is SLAVERY!.   Poverty alone is sufficient to kill off one's ambitions, destroys your self confidence and hope, but add to it the burden of debt, you are doomed for failure.

Understand this, when you are in poverty, no man can express himself in terms that commands respect, no man can create a definite purpose in life, with heavy debt hanging over his head.  Don't be a SLAVE to poverty.   Do not let your generation and ancestors to be shamed by your own children and grandchildren in future!
There is nothing quite so humiliating,  that carries such great agony and suffering, as poverty in old age, when personal services are no longer marketable, and one must turn to relatives or to charitable organizations for mere existence.

How to master the fear of poverty?

  1. Quit the habit of buying on credit.   Abandon credit cards.  Do not be fooled by monthly installment schemes.  Why do you buy in credit, when you have the Debits?   And if you dont have the debits, why do you buy in the first place?  Accumulate enough cash (Debit) and buy in cash on things that you desire.
  2. Create the habit of regular saving proportion to your income... whatever the income may be.  As an advice, and as a start, dump in minimum 20% of your income to create the habit of saving.  PAY YOURSELF FIRST, before you pay others (credit cards, mortgages, etc..).
  3. DO NOT, for whatever reasons, spend more than your income.
  4. Include in your Daily PRAYERS, with a burning desire, on the amount of money you intend to have, and most importantly, what you intend to GIVE IN RETURN for that abundance of wealth. 
  5. Laxmi-Kuberan Yaagam organized and conducted by Perumal Temple, Klang (see events)  provides an ideal avenue for you to energize your prayers above, and to obtain divine blessing in achieving your financial goals.
  6. Involve and mix with people who are wealthy and with integrity.

Where does our money go (typical scenario)?
Savings Account .... NOTHING!
Living ................. 60%
Education ............ NOTHING!
Recreation ........... 35%
Life Insurance ....... NOTHING!
* Under the recreation, of course, many expenditures that do not really "recreate" such as money spent on alcohols, cigarrettes, dinner parties, and other similar items which may actually server to undermine one's health and destroy character.

How much should one save?

The list below is a suggestion on how much you could allocate from your monthly income:
Savings Account .... 20%
Living ................. 50%
Education ............ 10%
Recreation ........... 10%
Life Insurance ....... 10%

** Extracted from the Law of Success (Napoleon Hill)

.... to be continued.

Please contact the Priest or the Management Committee of Perumal Temple, Klang on details of how you / your family / your business could benefit from the Laxmi Kubera Yaagam.

Find out more details on the Lakshmi Kubera Yagam, which will be held from June 4 to June 24, from the following sites:

Perumal Temple Website:

Perumal Temple facebook site:

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